Microchips for Animal
Identification and Temperature Monitoring
UID Microchips offer a reliable, convenient and permanent method for positive identification and accurate temperature measurements in laboratory animals.

RFID Readers
Reliable and cost-effective RFID readers to meet the individual researcher’s needs. Fully compatible with all Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS).

UID Mouse Matrix
An innovative solution for home cage monitoring of temperature and activity in socially-housed and undisturbed rodents.

Controlled Substance Inventory System
The UID Controlled Substance Inventory System (CSI-360) was specifically designed to improve security, ensure compliance and facilitate the management of controlled substances.

Explore PiSuite’s array of applications specifically designed to simplify routine and labor-intensive laboratory tasks, including animal body weighing, tumor measurements, dosing, microchip programming, and more.

Pet & Wildlife Microchip
Safe and convenient solution for accurate identification of companion animals and wildlife.